ISCA launched a joint study entitled the The Profile of Audit Committees of Listed Companies in Singapore 2020 with the Singapore Institute of Technology, ACRA, Singapore Exchange (SGX) and Singapore Institute of Directors (SID) on 12 January 2021.
The report features a comprehensive and holistic view of the audit committees of listed companies in Singapore at the end of 2019. The study found that listed companies in Singapore have made progress in adopting corporate governance best practices.

With intelligent automation (IA) solutions becoming more affordable and the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the pace of digitalisation in organisations, ISCA has undertaken a collaborative study with AI Singapore and the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School to understand the state of play of IA in the finance function.
Released in August 2021, The State of Play of Intelligent Automation in the Finance Function explores the importance of upskilling and training for finance employees, and what C-suite executives can consider before, during and after IA implementation. Featuring the responses of a cross section of industry players, the findings are vital for companies considering or embarking on their IA journey.