ISCA Committees


The Executive Committee (EXCO) comprises the office bearers as appointed by the Council and acts as the executive arm of the Council. 

Teo Ser Luck (President)
Choo Eng Beng (Vice President)
Judy Ng (Vice President)
Jocelyn Goh Chern Ni (Treasurer)
Lee Boon Teck (Secretary)


The Nominations Committee assists the Council in sourcing and identifying candidates for internal and external appointments including candidates for election to the Council. It reviews and makes recommendations to the Council on the appointments to various ISCA committees.

Lo Mun Wai (Chairperson)
Teo Ser Luck 

G Arull
Ow Fook Chuen

Christopher Wong

Yiong Yim Ming


The Auditing and Assurance Standards Committee (AASC) develops Singapore’s auditing and assurance standards and monitors standards-related policy and implementation issues, giving consideration to the need for guidance. AASC also takes a lead role in advocating the views of the profession in Singapore to influence the development of international standards.

Yeow Hui Cheng (Chairperson)
Tan Bee Nah (Deputy Chairperson)
Narissa Chen
Yvonne Chiu Sok Hua
Susan Foong
Gregory Ho Teik Tiong
Lee Tze Shiong
Lee Yu-Min Adrian
Sanjay Gordhan Panjabi
Damien Tai Chee Chiaw
Suyanti Toh
Woo E-Sah 
Yang Chi Chih

Public Members
Ang Hao Yao
Basil Chan
Chan Ruiqi
Chua Wan Rong
Goh Kia Hong
A/Prof Edmund Keung Ching Tung
Irene Khoo Gaik Suan
Lim Sio Hoon
A/Prof Ng Kai Teck
Ng Lip Nin
Irene Tok Ling Ling

Ng Meow Ling (ACRA)
Alice Wong (ACRA)


The Audit Committee plays a critical role in ensuring the integrity of the financial statements through its oversight of the Institute’s financial reporting process, the internal control system and the audit function.

Another role of the committee includes the review of the annual financial statements prior to approval by the Council, as well as the evaluation of significant findings arising from the audit.

Christopher Wong (Chairman)
Lo Mun Wai
Cyndi Pei 
Tan Kuang Hui
Don Wee Boon Hong


The Banking and Finance Committee works closely with the banks and financial institutions as well as regulatory authorities to address accounting, auditing and regulatory issues affecting the banking and finance industry. This typically involves deliberating and providing comments on proposed changes in accounting and auditing standards as well as regulatory requirements affecting the industry.

It also collaborates with various regulatory authorities for the issue of guidance on additional procedures to be performed by the auditors in connection with industry-specific reporting requirements and on the form and content of such reports.

Christine Lee (Chairperson)
Ho Hean Chan (Deputy Chairman)
Aik Mei Jun Lucretia 
Chew Han Jin Mark 
Chiong Huiling Cheryl 
Chua Wan Ping
Ian Hong 
Hong Teck Khiam 
Vincent Loh 
Lalit Lohia
Low Hwee Ming 
Ng Chun Wei
Ong-Ang Ai Boon 
Quek Kian Leong 
Peter See 
Gabriel Seow 
Gerard Toh 
Serena Yong 


The Charity Accounting Committee seeks to play a part in helping to enhance the productivity, operational efficiency and management capabilities of the charity sector, especially in the area of accounting and governance of the charities.

Dr Ang Hak Seng (Chairman)
Goh Puay Cheh 
Adeline Kee Yi Jean 
Woo E-Sah 
Susan Foong Chooi Chin 
Alan Chang Chi Hsung 


The Chartered Accountant Lab Content Advisory Committee provides guidance to the editorial team and helps steer the curation of quality content on the CA Lab content hub that is shared with the accountancy profession.

Shariq Barmaky (Chairman)
Prof Chng Chee Kiong 
Benny Chwee Bo Chong 
Prof Clarence Goh
Prof Kevin Ow Yong Keng 
Tashna Rajah 
Philip Shin An
Prof Patricia Tan Mui Siang 
Vincent Toong 

The CFO Committee provides guidance on initiatives to foster the development of finance professionals and promote the relevance of having finance professionals who are CA (Singapore). The Committee also provides direction and gathers feedback on relevant issues including new laws, regulations, standards and guidelines affecting finance professionals.

Lai Chin Yee (Chairperson)
Aga Fredy Jehangir
Chan Ying Jian
Choo Joo Kwang Vincent 
Choo Kok Wei Eric
Chua Siew Hwi
Adrian Chua Teng Aik
Ho Mang Chan 
Kwek You Cheer
Vincent Lim Boon Seng
Lim Him Chuan 
Lim Joo Lee
Lee Mui Pheng Margaret
Ng Tiang Poh
Jamie Omahony
Song Yeow Chung
Norman Tan
Tan Yuan Ching Darrell 
Tham Wei Hsing Paul 
Esther Wee Yu 
Jenny Wong 
Alan Wong Tuan Keng
Yong Yenn Leng


The Corporate Finance Committee works closely with regulatory authorities, corporate finance and investment banking organisations to address issues relating to corporate finance. This typically involves seeking the views of relevant stakeholders and providing inputs on matters pertaining to accounting and auditing standards, consultations papers to international standard setters and regulatory requirements affecting the profession.

Sharon Peh (Chairperson)
Darren Chin Bo Wui
Fu Chuanjie
G Arull
Goh Chyan Pit 
Rhys Goh Hien Kang
Jimmy Lim Tin Boon 
Ng Meng Chuan Darren
Doreen Quek 
Toh Wee Keong Alex
Yap Wee Kee
Yeo Siok Yong


A key objective of the Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee is to stress the importance of corporate governance and risk management issues, as well as promote fairness, transparency and accountability in the conduct of business to our members and the general public.

Seah Gek Choo (Chairperson)
Prof El'fred Boo Hian Yong
Victor Lai Kuan Loong
Dennis Lee Hock Leong
Prof Lawrence Loh
Neo Sing Hwee
Daniel Ngo
Lisa Ooi
Punjabi Rajesh Hiranand
Tea Wei Li
Tee Hwee Teng
Gary Teo Khong Hui
John Teo Woon Keng
David Toh 
David Yeong 


The Do Good Taskforce evaluates and reviews donation requests, ensuring alignment with ISCA's mandate and strategic objectives. The Taskforce focuses on supporting both the professional community and underprivileged and disadvantaged individuals, including families, children and youths, the elderly, disabled individuals, those needing a second chance, and those pursuing education in the accounting field.

Jocelyn Goh Chern Ni (Chairperson)
Dr Ang Hak Seng
Teo Woon Keng John
Fua Qiu Lin


The Ethics Committee adapts and adopts the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the IESBA for the Institute’s use as the ISCA Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics. It also aims to provide support to help address ethical issues faced by professional accountants in business and to raise awareness and promote acceptance of the Ethics Committee’s ethical standards and guidance among stakeholders.

Eng Chin Chin (Chairperson)
Lorraine Chay Yeow Mei 
Vivienne Chiang
Goh Yin Shian
Gregory Ho Teik Tiong
Mohamad Khairil Bin Suhairee
Khong Yew Cheong 
Lee Bee Leng 
Michelle Liew 
Lim Tze Yuen 
Amos Ng 
Lisa Ooi
Premila Gowri Shankar
Woo E-Sah
Woo Shea Leen 


The Financial Forensic Accounting Oversight Committee provides oversight over the governance of the ISCA Financial Forensic Accounting (FFA) Qualification which includes considering, advising, approving and endorsing policies, guidelines and procedures in relation to the administration of the Qualification. The Committee also advises and endorses the professional competencies of the ISCA Financial Forensic Professional credential applicants.

Belinda Tan SW (Chairperson)
Ang Seng Leong
Aaron Lee TC 
Dylan Lee 
Lim Kok Meng 
Ramesh Moosa 
Ong Kim Yan Jennifer
Mabel Watt


The Financial Reporting Committee proactively engages industry groups and other organisations on financial reporting topics and issues in Singapore. Robust discussions are also held by the Committee and its subcommittees on emerging topics and issues. The Committee also reaches out to the accounting profession to raise public awareness and issue guidance to assist the professional in overcoming application challenges of accounting standards.

Chen Voon Hoe (Chairman)
Aylwin How (Deputy Chairman)
Karen Chay
Chin Chee Choon 
Goh Lip Kuan Andrew
Helmi Bin Ali Bin Talib
A/Prof Jian Ming 
Joseph Lam
Lee Kuang Hon
Lee Soon Wee
Lim Sio Hoon 
Ng Choon Kiat 
Uthaya Chandrikaa Ponnusamy 
Senthilnathan Sampath 
Preethi Sarma
Benjamin Tan 
Tan Yong Choo 
Tang Hui Lin
Teo Soo Chuen 
Toh Sze Peng 
A/Prof Wang Jiwei 
Wong Yew Chung 


The Insurance Committee advises the Institute on accounting and auditing matters relating to the insurance industry. It also works with both regulatory authorities and insurance associations on such matters, and where appropriate, makes recommendations on such matters to the regulatory bodies.

Steven Goh (Chairman)
Jacky Chew 
Chock Ker Ching
Jaslin Du 
Celina Goh 
Low Hwee Ming 
Ng Ai Ming 
Johannes Gregor Patig
Philip Shin 
Tan Yan Song
Tay Siang Leng 
Ying Pui Nee

ISCA Strengthening SMP Taskforce

The Strengthening SMP (SSMP) Taskforce plays a pivotal role in developing strategies to rejuvenate and drive changes for the small and medium-sized accounting practices ("SMP") sector as part of the Institute’s overall efforts to transform the accounting industry in Singapore.

Helmi Bin Ali Bin Talib (Co-Chairman)
Koh Wee Kwang (Co-Chairman) 
Charles Ng
Ryan Piper
Saurav Bhattacharyya

ISCA Voluntary Compliance Programme Panel

The Voluntary Compliance Programme (VCP) Panel plays a pivotal role in providing advice and inputs to the ISCA VCP, a voluntary programme for firms to demonstrate compliance with the quality management standards. The VCP Panel will lend robustness and credibility to the output of the ISCA VCP. 

Derek How (Co-Chairman)
Lee Eng Kian (Co-Chairman) 
Yvonne Chiu
Susan Foong
Lao Mei Leng
William Ng
Quek Siew Eng
Tan Bee Nah
Angeline Tan
Yeow Hui Cheng


The Committee is responsible for reviewing existing admission requirements and membership matters. It makes recommendations to the Council on the admission of new members, membership reclassifications, resignations and reinstatements as well as advises the Council on related membership matters from time to time.

Lelaina Lim (Chairperson)
Lai Chin Yee
Lim Him Chuan
Lim Wei Kiat William
Belinda Teo


The Public Accounting Practice Committee (PAPC) deals with issues relating to the public accounting profession, especially matters affecting Small and Medium Practices (SMPs); participates in dialogue sessions with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and other relevant authorities, and assists in other related ad hoc assignments.

Lee Eng Kian (Chairman)
Vivienne Chiang (Deputy Chairperson)
Philip Aw 
Rick Chan 
Chang Chi Hsung Alan
Chee Siew Fai
Cheong Keng Chuan Alfred 
Cheong Kum Foong 
Kew Dek Kai
Lim Ann Loo Andrew 
Lim Yeong Seng 
Helmi Bin Ali Bin Talib 
Tan Lye Heng Paul 
Teo Li Ling 
Wee Ling Na @ Yvonne Au

The Research Fund Evaluation Committee reviews and evaluates the research proposals submitted and approves the funds allocated to them so as to ensure a credible evaluation and proper governance of the Research Fund that was set up to complement the ISCA Research Network.

Judy Ng (Chairperson)
Lee Dah Khang 
Dennis Lee 
Eric Lim 
Lawrence Wu 


The  Learning and Assessment Committees are formed to support the oversight and quality assurance of the curriculum and examinations of the Singapore Chartered Accountant Qualification (SCAQ) and report to the ACRA's Professional Education Council.

Learning and Assessment Committee - Foundation Programme
Prof Low Kin Yew (Chairman)
Prof Annette Foo
Goh Bun Hiong
Timothy Ling
Prof Premilia Gowri Shankar
Yeap Lay Huay
Yeo Leng Tiong
Yeo Lick Koon

Evan Law

Learning and Assessment Committee - Professional Programme
Prof Ho Yew Kee (Chairman)
Prof Cheng Nam Sang
Prof Chng Chee Kiong
David Lee
Low Eng Kiat
Prof Low Kin Yew
Rajesh Punjabi
Damien Tai
Esther Wee
Wong Yew Chung

Evan Law


The role of the Singapore Monitoring Committee (SMC) is to develop and maintain a process of submitting, on behalf of ASEAN citizens who are members of ISCA [CA (Singapore) and Associate (ISCA)], applications to be approved as ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountants (ASEAN CPA) under the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Accountancy Services.

Teo Ser Luck (Chairman)
Fann Kor (Deputy Chairperson)
Lelaina Lim (ISCA Membership Committee Chairperson)
Koh Wee Kwang


The Strategy and Investment Committee recommends to Council the Institute’s strategic framework, including goals and objectives and strategic plans, and evaluate investments, acquisitions, divestitures and capital allocation decisions in line with the Institute’s strategic direction and risk tolerance. The Committee also oversees the selection and appointment of external investment fund managers and evaluates and monitors the performance of the funds.

Choo Eng Beng (Chairman)
Anthony Chuah Khoon Yew 
Lee Boon Teck
Lim Him Chuan
Teo Ser Luck


The Sustainability and Climate Change Committee promotes the relevance of sustainability, climate change and related advances to business strategy and the accountant’s role in advancing these agenda. It also furthers the adoption of quality sustainability reporting and advocates Singapore’s interests in relation to sustainability reporting standards and requirements.

Fang Eu-Lin (Chairperson)
Beh Siew Kim 
Yvonne Chan 
Fan Yuanling Pamela 
Giam Ei Leen 
Goh Bee Kheng Grace
Goh Yin Shian 
Koh Wee Kwang 
Lee Dah Khang 
Lee Hui Mien
Lim Jin Huei Eric 
Ong Beng Lee Ken
Tan Boon Gin 
Tan Boon Siong 
Teo Yen Shan Maria 


The Young Professionals Advisory Committee (YPAC) was established in June 2012 with a view to contribute to the strategy, operations and initiatives of ISCA from the perspectives of our young members who are 35 years and below. New initiatives will be rolled out to further reach and engage this target group.

Maria Teo (Chairperson)
Katherine Ang Li Nah 
Terence Cheng
Jeremy Cheong
Chong Shu Hui Jean 
Hoe Huisheng Bryan
Lau Jun Ngee Emersius
Lee Xian Yao Sam
Lee Yew Jie Sebastian
Long Hui En Emelia
Low Yuan Yi 
Mo Hongrui 
Jackson Ng Jin Jie
Ng Wei Han
Nithin Nagarajan
Jeannie Ong Wei Jin
See Wei Ren Malcolm
Tan Cihui
Samuel Tan Weicheng
Teo Wan Lin Angelique
Tong Jia Hui Audrey

Don Wee Boon Hong