Contributions from Ernst & Young LLP
EY Board Matters Quarterly
Board Matters Quarterly is an EY publication that aims to provide you with important information on corporate and financial reporting matters in Singapore.
Issue 3 (September 2019)
Issue 2 (June 2019)
Issue 1 (February 2019)
Issue 4 (November 2018)
Issue 3 (September 2018)
Issue 2 (June 2018)
Issue 1 (March 2018)
Issue 3 (November 2017)
Issue 2 (August 2017)
Issue 1 (May 2017)
Issue 30 (December 2016)
Issue 29 (September 2016)
Issue 28 (June 2016)
Issue 27 (March 2016)
Issue 26 (December 2015)
Issue 25 (September 2015)
Issue 24 (June 2015)
Issue 23 (March 2015)
IFRS Developments
IFRS Developments announces significant decisions on topics that have a broad audience, application or appeal. These summarise, generally in four pages, IASB and IFRS Interpretations Committee discussion papers, exposure drafts, final standards or interpretations to provide a high-level overview of the requirements.
Issue 234 Nature-dependent electricity - IFRS 9 and IFRS 7 amendments
Issue 233 IASB proposes amendments to requirements for non-financial liabilities (IAS 37)
Issue 232 Hyperinflationary economies (updated October 2024)
Issue 231 IASB proposes amendments to the equity method of accounting
Issue 230 IASB proposes examples of climate-related and other uncertainties
Issue 229 IASB issues narrow scope amendments to IFRS accounting standards
Issue 228 Amendments to classification and measurement of financial instruments
Issue 227 Proposed amendments to IFRS 9 and IFRS 7 - renewable energy contracts
Issue 225 Hyperinflationary economies (updated May 2024)
Issue 224 IASB ends project on business combinations under common control
Issue 223 IASB issues IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements
Issue 222 IASB proposes amendments to IFRS 3 and IAS 36
Issue 221 Hyperinflationary economies (updated October 2023)
Issue 220 Amendments to IAS 21: Lack of Exchangeability
Issue 219 IASB issues Request for Information for the PIR of IFRS 15
Issue 218 Amendments to IAS 12 - International Tax Reform - Pillar Two Model Rules
Issue 217 Supplier finance arrangements - new disclosure requirements
Issue 215 hyperinflationary economies (updated April 2023)
Issue 214 Accounting for Pillar Two income taxes before IAS 12 is amended
Issue 213 IASB proposes amendments to classification and measurement in IFRS 9
Issue 212 New guidance from the IASB for developing disclosure requirements
Issue 211 International Tax Reform—Pillar Two Model Rules: Proposed amendments to IAS 12
Issue 210 IASB project on International Tax Reform - Pillar Two Model Rules
Issue 209 IASB amends the requirements for classification of non-current liabilities with covenants
Issue 208 IASB considers IFRS IC Agenda Decision: cash received via electronic transfer
Issue 207 Hyperinflationary economies (updated October 2022)
Issue 206 IFRS 16 amended for lease liability measurement in a sale and leaseback transaction
Issue 205 IASB proposes to update the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard
Issue 204 Third Agenda Consultation - IASB issues feedback statement
Issue 203 OECD BEPS Pillar Two – Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Rules: accounting issues
Issue 202 IASB’s post-implementation review of IFRS 10, IFRS 11 and IFRS 12
Issue 201 Hyperinflationary economies (updated April 2022)
Issue 200 Supplier finance arrangements – IASB proposes additional disclosure requirements
Issue 199 Accounting for trees held to generate carbon offsets for use or sale
Issue 198 Classification of non-current liabilities with covenants - proposed amendments
Issue 197 Hyperinflationary economies (updated November 2021)
Issue 196 IFRS Foundation establishes the International Sustainability Standards Board
Issue 195 IFRS IC tentative agenda decision: cash received via electronic transfer
Issue 194 Subsidiaries without public accountability: disclosures
Issue 193 Agenda decision clarifies costs necessary to sell inventories
Issue 192 IASB proposes a new framework for management commentary
Issue 191 IASB clarifies deferred tax accounting for leases and decommissioning obligations
Issue 190 One step closer to an International Sustainability Standards Board
Issue 189 IASB extends relief for COVID-19 related rent concessions
Issue 188 Disclosure requirements in IFRS Standards – a pilot approach
Issue 187 The Disclosure Initiative – IASB amends the accounting policy requirements
Issue 186 The IASB defines accounting estimates
Issue 185 IASB proposes extension of relief for COVID-19 related rent concessions
Issue 184 IASB issues Exposure Draft on regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities
Issue 183 Going concern - disclosure reminders issued by the IASB
Issue 182 Agenda Decision on reverse factoring
Issue 181 IASB issues Request for Information on IFRS standards on group accounting
Issue 179 IASB proposes new requirements for business combinations under common control
Issue 178 Income taxes – Impact of Brexit
Issue 177 IASB releases educational material on IFRS Standards and climate risks
Issue 176 IFRS Foundation Trustees publish consultation paper on sustainability reporting
Issue 175 Hyperinflationary economies
Issue 174 IASB completes its IBOR reform programme
Issue 173 Revisions to the IFRS Foundation's Due Process Handbook
Issue 172 IBOR reform - IASB responds to comments on phase 2 exposure draft
Issue 170 IASB amends IFRS 16 for COVID-19 related rent concessions
Issue 169 Amendments to IFRS 3 - Reference to the Conceptual Framework
Issue 168 IASB issues Exposure Draft on COVID-19 related rent concessions
Issue 167 Supplementary IASB meeting - the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue 166 IASB proposes amendment to IFRS 16 for COVID-19 related rent concessions
Issue 165 IBOR reform: IASB publishes phase 2 exposure draft
Issue 163 IASB and regulators highlight IFRS 9 ECL requirements during the coronavirus pandemic
Issue 162 IBOR reform: IASB discusses remaining phase 2 issues
Issue 161 Financing and investing entities: proposed changes to primary financial statements
Issue 160 IBOR reform: phase two (continued)
Issue 159 Amendments to the classification of liabilities as current or non-current
Issue 158 IASB proposes major changes to primary financial statements
Issue 157 Lease term and useful life of leasehold improvements
Issue 156 IBOR reform: IASB discusses phase two hedge accounting issues
Issue 155 Revenue earned before an asset is ready for its intended use
Issue 154 IBOR reform: IASB discusses phase two classification and measurement issues
Issue 153 Presentation of liabilities or assets related to uncertain tax treatments
Issue 152 IBOR reform: publication of the phase 1 amendments and commencement of phase 2
Issue 151 IBOR reform: the finalisation of phase one
Issue 150 Holdings of cryptocurrencies
Issue 149 Sale of output by a joint operator
Issue 148 IBOR reform: the IASB's proposals, part 3
Issue 147 Curing of a credit impaired financial asset (IFRS 9 Financial instruments)
Issue 146 Subsurface rights (IFRS 16 – Leases)
Issue 144 IBOR reform - the IASB’s proposals
Issue 143 Liabilities in relation to a joint operator's interest in a joint operation
Issue 142 Sale of output by a joint operator
Issue 141 Step acquisition of a subsidiary in separate financial statements
Issue 140 Revenue earned before an asset is ready for its intended use
Issue 139 Physical settlement of contracts to buy or sell a non-financial item
Issue 138 IASB issues amendments to the definition of material
Issue 137 IASB issues amendments to the definition of a business in IFRS 3
Issue 136 Hyperinflationary economies (Updated July 2018)
Issue 135 IASB issues discussion paper on financial instruments with characteristics of equity
Issue 134 IASB issues amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits
Issue 133 IFRS accounting for US tax reform (Updated 23 January)
Issue 132 US Tax Reform impact on 2017 IFRS reporting
Issue 131 IASB concludes 2015-2017 Annual Improvements Cycle
Issue 130 IASB issues an Amendment to IFRS 9
Issue 129 Disclosure Initiative – updates on the Materiality Project
Issue 128 Revenue earned before an asset is ready for its intended use
Issue 127 IFRIC 23 – Uncertainty over income tax treatments
Issue 126 Are you ready to quantify the effect of adopting IFRS 15?
Issue 124 Disclosure Initiative – Principles of Disclosure
Issue 123 Brexit and the implications for tax accounting
Issue 122 IASB proposes amendments to IFRS 3 and IFRS 11
Issue 121 IASB issues amendments to IFRS 2
Issue 120 IASB debriefs the April 2016 FASB TRG meeting on revenue
Issue 119 IASB issues clarifications to IFRS 15
Issue 118 IASB completes redeliberations on proposed amendments to IFRS 15
Issue 117 IASB issues new leases standard
Issue 116 IASB redeliberates clarifications to IFRS 15
Issue 115 Disclosure Initiative - proposed guidance on materiality
Issue 114 New leases standard - effective date and sweep issues
Issue 113 IASB discusses the definition of completed revenue contracts
Issue 112 ITG discusses IFRS 9 impairment implementation issues
Issue 111 IASB proposes clarifications to IFRS 15
Issue 110 IASB decides to defer the new revenue standard by one year
Issue 109 Next steps for the accounting for dynamic risk management project
Issue 108 Principal versus agent: IASB to propose amendments to IFRS 15
Issue 107 IASB issues an exposure draft proposing a one-year deferral of its new revenue standard
Issue 105 The ITG discusses IFRS 9 impairment implementation issues
Issue 103 IASB staff to begin drafting the new leases standard
Issue 101 IASB substantially completes redeliberations on leases
Issue 100 Basel Committee proposes guidance on accounting for expected credit losses
Issue 99 Boards decide to require different lessee disclosures
Applying IFRS
Longer and more detailed than IFRS Developments, Applying IFRS provides analyses of proposals, standards or interpretations and discussion of how to apply them.
Applying IFRS - Amendments to classification and measurement of financial instruments
Applying IFRS – A closer look at IFRS 18
Applying IFRS - International Tax Reform - Pillar Two disclosures in practice
Applying IFRS - Connected Financial Reporting: Accounting for Climate Change (May 2024)
Applying IFRS - Accounting considerations related to geopolitical events and uncertainty (updated May 2024)
Applying IFRS - Accounting for payments from suppliers
Applying IFRS - Financial instruments with characteristics of equity (FICE) project progresses (December 2023)
Applying IFRS - Accounting for climate change (updated August 2023)
Applying IFRS - Post Implementation Review of IFRS 9 – progress to date (March 2023)
Applying IFRS - Accounting for climate change (updated December 2022)
Applying IFRS - Disclosure of accounting policy information
Applying IFRS - Accounting considerations for the war in Ukraine Updated March 2022
Applying IFRS - Accounting for rent concessions (updated June 2022)
Applying IFRS - Accounting considerations for the Ukrainian conflict (March 2022)
Applying IFRS – Accounting for Climate Change (December 2021)
Applying IFRS - IBOR reform (updated December 2021)
Applying IFRS - Accounting for SPACs (updated November 2021)
Applying IFRS - Accounting for cloud computing costs (updated July 2021)
Applying IFRS - IBOR reform (updated May 2021)
Applying IFRS - Disclosure of COVID-19 impact (October 2020)
Applying IFRS: IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers (updated October 2020)
Applying IFRS: IBOR reform (October 2020)
Applying IFRS: Accounting for COVID-19 related rent concessions (updated July 2020)
Applying IFRS: Accounting considerations of the coronavirus pandemic (updated July 2020)
Applying IFRS: Accounting for cloud computing costs (July 2020)
Applying IFRS: Accounting for COVID-19 related rent concessions (June 2020)
Applying IFRS: Accounting considerations of the coronavirus pandemic (updated June 2020)
Applying IFRS: Accounting considerations of the coronavirus outbreak (April 2020)
Applying IFRS: Accounting considerations related to recent declines in oil and gas prices (April 2020)
Applying IFRS: Business combinations: disclosures, goodwill and impairment (March 2020)
Applying IFRS: Accounting considerations of the coronavirus outbreak (March 2020)
Applying IFRS: Accounting considerations of the coronavirus outbreak (February 2020)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at IFRS 16 Leases (December 2019)
Applying IFRS: Presentation and disclosure requirements of IFRS 16 Leases (December 2019)
Applying IFRS: Presentation and disclosure requirements of IFRS 15 (November 2019)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at IFRS 15, the revenue recognition standard (September 2019)
Applying IFRS: Accounting by holders of crypto-assets (September 2019)
Applying IFRS: Accounting for leases relating to a joint operation (September 2019)
Applying IFRS: Transition Resource Group for Revenue Recognition (TRG) items of general agreement (March 2019)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at IFRS 16 Leases (December 2018)
Applying IFRS: Impairment considerations for the new leasing standard (IFRS 16 Leases) (November 2018)
Applying IFRS: Presentation and disclosure requirements of IFRS 16 Leases (November 2018)
Applying IFRS: Alternative Performance Measures (October 2018)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at IFRS 15, the revenue recognition standard (October 2018)
Applying IFRS: Accounting by holders of crypto-assets (August 2018)
Applying IFRS: Presentation and disclosure requirements of IFRS 15 (July 2018)
Applying IFRS 17: A closer look at the new Insurance Contracts standard (April 2018)
Applying IFRS: Impairment of financial instruments under IFRS 9 (April 2018)
Applying IFRS: IASB issues revised Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (April 2018)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at IFRS accounting for the effects of the US Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (February 2018)
Applying IFRS: Accounting for the financial impact of natural disasters (December 2017)
Applying IFRS: Presentation and disclosure requirements of IFRS 15 (October 2017)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at the new revenue recognition standard (October 2017)
Applying IFRS: Presentation and disclosure requirements of IFRS 15 (July 2017)
Applying IFRS: Leases standard for Consumer Products and Retail (June 2017)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at the new revenue recognition standard (September 2016)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at the new leases standard (August 2016)
Applying IFRS: Heading for Brexit - Accounting and reporting considerations of the UK's vote to leave the EU (July 2016)
Applying IFRS: Joint Transition Resource Group for Revenue Recognition - items of general agreement
(June 2016)
Applying IFRS: IFRS 9 for non-financial entities (March 2016)
Applying IFRS: ITG discusses IFRS 9 impairment issues at December 2015 ITG meeting (December 2015)
Applying IFRS: Joint Transition Resource Group for Revenue Recognition items of general agreement (December 2015)
Applying IFRS: TRG addresses more revenue implementation issues (November 2015)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at the new revenue recognition standard (October 2015)
Applying IFRS: Joint Transition Resource Group for Revenue Recognition items of general agreement (August 2015)
Applying IFRS: Joint Transition Resource Group discusses additional revenue implementation issues (July 2015)
Applying IFRS: IASB issues the Conceptual Framework exposure draft (June 2015)
Applying IFRS: Joint Transition Resource Group for Revenue Recognition items of general agreement (May 2015)
Applying IFRS: Classification of financial instruments under IFRS 9 (May 2015)
Applying IFRS: IFRS Interpretations Committee agenda decisions relating to IFRS 11 (April 2015)
Applying IFRS: Accounting for share-based payments under IFRS 2 - the essential guide (April 2015)
Applying IFRS: Joint Transition Resource Group for Revenue Recognition discusses more implementation issues (April 2015)
Applying IFRS: New standard on leases is taking shape (April 2015)
Applying IFRS: The new revenue standard affects more than just revenue (February 2015)
Applying IFRS: Impairment of financial instruments under IFRS 9 (December 2014)
Applying IFRS: Improving disclosure effectiveness (July 2014)
Applying IFRS: Challenges in adopting and applying IFRS 11 (June 2014)
Applying IFRS: A closer look at the new revenue recognition standard (June 2014)
Applying IFRS: Accounting for levies (June 2014)
Applying IFRS: Hedge accounting under IFRS 9 (February 2014)
Applying IFRS: Challenges in adopting and applying IFRS 10 (December 2013)
Applying IFRS: How the lease accounting proposal might affect your company
(August 2013)
IFRS for SMEs Publications
Talking SMEs (June 2012)
IFRS for SMEs: Comparison to IFRS (April 2010)
Other Publications
IFRS update of standards and interpretations in issue at 31 December 2024
How will IFRS 16 Leases impact the real estate sector? (May 2016)
IFRS Practical Matters - Leases make their way onto the balance sheet: Navigating the journey for a smooth landing (February 2016)
IFRS Update of standards and interpretations in issue at 31 December 2015 (January 2016)
IFRS Update of standards and interpretations in issue at 31 March 2015 (April 2015)
IFRS Practical Matters – Revenue reckoning: a transformational new standard (October 2014)
IASB Projects: A pocketbook guide as at 30 June 2014 (June 2014)
Leases Re-exposed: Another attempt at improving lease accounting (June 2013)
IAS 36 Impairment Testing: Practical Issues (2011)
Controlling the effects of NCIs (2010)
Impairment accounting IAS 36 (2010)