ISCA-SAC BOD Masterclass Programme

(For TACs and Charities)

The "Do Good" board package represents ISCA's unwavering dedication to promoting ethical leadership, transparency, and accountability within Singapore's non-profit sector. ISCA firmly believes that strong governance is the cornerstone of organisational success and sustainability. Through the "Do Good" board package, ISCA aims to empower TACs and Charity Boards to fulfil their important missions with integrity, professionalism, and social responsibility. By equipping TACs and Charity Boards with the necessary knowledge and expertise, ISCA aims to foster a culture of responsible stewardship and sustainable growth, ultimately benefiting the communities they serve. It will also allow TACs and Charity Boards to avoid common pitfalls in corporate governance.


    The programme is now live on our newly launched online training platform, Boardflix. This platform works just like Netflix where it offers:

    • All-rounded, anytime, anywhere access: 100% accessible globally!
    • Convenience: Ideal for busy leaders like yourself to acquire the necessary knowledge for board positions.
    • Engaging content: Features interesting application-based case studies.







    30 hours of E-learning all housed on Boardflix, ISCA’s online training platform. Accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device!

    Group mentoring with industry veterans


    Participate in group mentoring sessions led by distinguished industry veterans and receive real-world insights, BOD tricks and tips, and personalised mentorship

    Firefly 3 mature and successful business professionals talking around board room table, male and fem


    A complimentary Board Appointment Service will also be available for aspiring directors and companies seeking qualified directors with specific expertise

    "Do Good" Learn-with-Your-Board Package

    Empower yourself with relevant and up-to-date directorship training.

    Join our BOD community today