Accredited Singapore Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) for ISCA Financial Forensic Accounting Qualification (FFAQ)

Listed below are the Singapore Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) accredited by ISCA. These IHLs offer modules that qualify for exemptions from specific modules of the ISCA Financial Forensic Accounting Qualification (FFAQ). To be eligible for these exemptions, students must successfully complete the corresponding subjects recognised by ISCA. Students may choose to complete the remaining FFAQ modules during their bachelor degree studies. Upon earning their degree, students will only be eligible to graduate from the ISCA FFAQ if all remaining modules have been completed.


IHLFacultyCourse / ModuleExemptions in ISCA FFA qualification
Singapore Management UniversitySchool of AccountancyForensic Accounting and Investigation (Code: ACCT425)Module 1 - Forensic Accounting and Investigation
Singapore Institute of TechnologyBachelor of AccountancyForensic Auditing and Risk Management (Code: ACC3103 or ACC3106) Module 1 - Forensic Accounting and Investigation