On-the-Job Training (OJT) Blueprints
These OJT Blueprints provide supervisors in Small & Medium-sized Practices (SMPs) with a guide on providing structured in-house on-the-job training for your staff. They will highlight the key considerations to note and the tasks standards for each audit work procedure, as well as the recommended competencies necessary for your staff to effectively carry out his or her tasks.
These On-the-Job Training (OJT) Blueprints are produced to enhance SMPs in-house training programmes. They provide supervisors in SMPs with a guide to provide structured in-house on-the-job training for staff. The Blueprints highlight the key considerations to note and the tasks standards for each audit work procedure, as well as the recommended competencies necessary for staff to effectively carry out his or her tasks. These OJT Blueprints can also serve as a useful guide to audit staff when their seniors are not with them when they are out on field work.
Click here to view a sample of the Blueprints.
Click here to purchase.
Blueprint Audit Topics
- Trade and Other Receivables
- Trade and Other Payables
- Cash and Bank Balances
- Property, Plant and Equipment
- Operating and Other Expenses
- Revenue
- Cost of Sales
- Inventories
- Group Audit – Planning
- Inventory Count Observation
- Leases for Lessees
- General Audit Procedures
- Intangible Assets
- Investments in Subsidiaries, Associates and Joint Ventures and Other Equity Investments
- Investment Properties
- Loans and Borrowings
- Income Taxes
- Related Parties
- Contingent Liabilities and Financial Commitments
- Subsequent Events and Going Concern
Please contact us at smpcentre@isca.org.sg should you have further queries.