Member-in-Retirement (MIR)

You are eligible for MIR, if you are at least 63 years old as at 1 January of the year of renewal, and not gainfully employed.


Effective from 2025 renewal, a Member-in-Retirement (MIR) would be:

  • At least 63 years of age as at 1 January of the year of renewal;
  • Effectively retired; and
  • Not gainfully employed.

"not gainfully employed" is defined as having an earned income of not more than S$60,000 per annum or working less than 15 hours or two days per week. 

Benefits of MIR

  • Enjoy a concession on the annual membership fee (i.e. $50 before GST)
  • Continue to enjoy the existing members’ benefits and privileges
  • Get exemption on CPE requirements 

How to apply

1. Check if you can fulfil the MIR age; and

2. you are not gainfully employed (an earned income* of not more than S$60,000 per annum, or working less than 15 hours or two days per week.)

*Earned income refers to:

Employment income including gross salary, bonus, allowances, commission, director’s fees or gratuity and net earnings from self-employment such as trade, business, profession or vocation.

Examples of Income that are not earned income:

Interest, dividend, rental, royalty, charges and estate/trust income.

Appeal for early reclassification to MIR

For members who want to appeal for early reclassification to MIR, they may write in to ISCA Member Services at


Log in to the ISCA eServices portal

Under "My Membership", click on "Applications"

Complete the declaration and confirmation

Attach your supporting documents

MIR Application will only be processed if application is duly completed submitted with supporting document

(i.e. CPF statement and/or income tax statement or equivalent for the past 1 year.)

Submit the application


I have opted for early retirement with no earned income, can I apply for MIR before I reach the MIR age?
You may appeal for early reclassification to MIR by writing in to ISCA Member Services at
I have retired but continue to serve as a board director. My earned income is more than $60,000, can I apply for MIR?

If your annual earned income exceeds this threshold due to board appointments after retiring from full time employment but you work less than 15 hours or two days per week, you will be eligible for MIR status.