Audit professionals who are looking to deepen their knowledge and skillsets in Personal Data Protection and keen to provide advisory services in this area.

The total duration for the programme is 5 days and will comprise physical workshops with formative and summative assessment components that will be conducted during the course of the programme.

Participants are required to attend the full course and participate in the various learning activities to receive their certificate of competence.

The programme will focus on the application of knowledge and skills. Participants will be exposed to different PDPA issues through the various case studies which would be shared during the programme.

Participants would be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Explain key obligations with the PDPA
  • Describe the different types of data protection office setup
  • Apply the data protect audit process
  • Identify and document areas of non-compliance in business activities
  • Create a data breach management plan
  • Conduct a Data Protection Risk Assessment
  • Describe various common and uncommon data protection violations
  • Develop a data protection policy
ProgrammeDuration Members Fees
(GST inclusive)
Non-Members Fees
(GST inclusive)
ISCA PDPA Certificate for Practitioners 5 days$1,872.50 $2,247.00

Participants are recommended to have a basic understanding of the PDPA before attending the programme.

Participants without prior knowledge of the PDPA may consider attending the WSQ Fundamental of the PDPA course (SSG funded) before attending the certificate programme.