Registered Foreign Professional Accountant (RFPA)
For non-ISCA members registered as ASEAN CPAs
Gain access to ASEAN, the world's fastest expanding economies
Under the Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Accountancy Services (MRAA), a professional accountant who is an ASEAN national and possesses the necessary qualifications and experiences that comply with the MRAA may apply to be an ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant (ASEAN CPA) and subsequently, a Registered Foreign Professional Accountant (RFPA).
If you are not an ISCA member, please scroll down to find out how to become a RFPA with ISCA.
If you are an ISCA member, please click here to find out how to become an ASEAN CPA.
If you wish to provide accountancy services in Singapore…
ASEAN CPAs who are not ISCA members and wish to provide non-regulated professional accountancy services in Singapore should register as a Registered Foreign Professional Accountant (RFPA) with ISCA.
A RFPA should collaborate with a local professional accountant in Singapore within an area of his/ her own competency. This is in accordance with the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Accountancy Services (MRAA) which promotes the spirit of exchanging information and best practices on standards and qualifications in ASEAN.