Mr Chng Chor Tong

UPON FINDING Mr Chng Chor Tong, a non-practising member, guilty of misconduct for contravening Rule 40.1, read with Rule 41.2 of the ISCA (Membership and Fees) Rules, and Rule 40.4, read with S100.4(e) and S110.2(a) of the Third Schedule of the ISCA (Membership and Fees) Rules made pursuant to Article 54 of the Constitution of ISCA, in that he was found guilty by the Subordinate Courts of the Republic of Singapore on 28 April 2009 on 3 counts of wilfully making false entries in his income tax returns for the Y/A 1995, 2001 and 2002 relating to income from his audit and tax advisory firm, CT Chng & Co., the Disciplinary Committee ordered that  the said Mr Chng Chor Tong be removed from the register and that he shall cease to be a member of the Institute with effect from 19 October 2010 and do pay to the Institute the sum of S$1,391.00, being the costs and expenses of and incidental to the investigation proceedings against him.