Mr Paul Douglas Robson
UPON FINDING that Mr Robson Paul Douglas, CA (Singapore) had contravened Rule 64.1 read with Rule 65.2 of the Institute (Membership and Fees) Rules, in that he had been found guilty and convicted by the State Courts of the Republic of Singapore for four (4) offences under Section 420 of the Penal Code (Chapter 224, 2008 Revised Edition) and one (1) other offence under Section 468 of the Penal Code (Chapter 224, 2008 Revised Edition) and sentenced to ten (10) months imprisonment with effect from 12 October 2023, with three (3) other similar charges taken into consideration for the purpose of the sentencing,
The Disciplinary Committee ordered:
That pursuant to Rule 137.1.1 of the Institute (Membership and Fees) Rules, his name be removed from the register and that he shall cease to be a Member with immediate effect.